eBay's TSV Utilities

Command line tools for large tabular data files.

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Tools Reference v1.6

This is the documentation for the version 1.6 of tsv-utils toolkit, prior to the introduction of named fields. For the curent documentation go to the primary Tools Reference page.

This page provides detailed documentation about the different tools as well as examples. Material for the individual tools is also available via the --help option.

Common options and behavior

Information in this section applies to all the tools.

Specifying options

Multi-letter options are specified with a double dash. Single letter options can be specified with a single dash or double dash. For example:

$ tsv-select -f 1,2         # Valid
$ tsv-select --f 1,2        # Valid
$ tsv-select --fields 1,2   # Valid
$ tsv-select -fields 1,2    # Invalid.

Help (-h, --help, --help-verbose)

All tools print help if given the -h or --help option. Many provide more detail via the --help-verbose option.

Field numbers and field-lists.

Field numbers are one-upped integers, following Unix conventions. Some tools use zero to represent the entire line (tsv-join, tsv-uniq).

In many cases multiple fields can be entered as a "field-list". A field-list is a comma separated list of field numbers or field ranges. For example:

$ tsv-select -f 3          # Field 3
$ tsv-select -f 3,5        # Fields 3 and 5
$ tsv-select -f 3-5        # Fields 3, 4, 5
$ tsv-select -f 1,3-5      # Fields 1, 3, 4, 5

Most tools process or output fields in the order listed, and repeated use is usually fine:

$ tsv-select -f 5-1       # Fields 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
$ tsv-select -f 1-3,2,1   # Fields 1, 2, 3, 2, 1

UTF-8 input

These tools assume data is utf-8 encoded.

Line endings

These tools have been tested on Unix platforms, including macOS, but not Windows. On Unix platforms, Unix line endings (\n) are expected, with the notable exception of tsv2csv. Not all the tools are affected by DOS and Windows line endings (\r\n), those that are check the first line and flag an error. csv2tsv explicitly handles DOS and Windows line endings, converting to Unix line endings as part of the conversion.

The dos2unix tool can be used to convert Windows line endings to Unix format. See Convert newline format and character encoding with dos2unix and iconv

The tools were written to respect platform line endings. If built on Windows, then Windows line endings. However, given the lack of testing, a Windows build should be expected to have some issues with line endings.

File format and alternate delimiters (--delimiter)

Any character can be used as a delimiter, TAB is the default. However, there is no escaping for including the delimiter character or newlines within a field. This differs from CSV file format which provides an escaping mechanism. In practice the lack of an escaping mechanism is not a meaningful limitation for data oriented files.

Aside from a header line, all lines are expected to have data. There is no comment mechanism and no special handling for blank lines. Tools taking field indices as arguments expect the specified fields to be available on every line.

Headers (-H, --header)

Most tools handle the first line of files as a header when given the -H or --header option. For example, tsv-filter passes the header through without filtering it. When --header is used, all files and stdin are assumed to have header lines. Only one header line is written to stdout. If multiple files are being processed, header lines from subsequent files are discarded.

Multiple files and standard input

Tools can read from any number of files and from standard input. As per typical Unix behavior, a single dash represents standard input when included in a list of files. Terminate non-file arguments with a double dash (--) when using a single dash in this fashion. Example:

$ head -n 1000 file-c.tsv | tsv-filter --eq 2:1000 -- file-a.tsv file-b.tsv - > out.tsv

The above passes file-a.tsv, file-b.tsv, and the first 1000 lines of file-c.tsv to tsv-filter and write the results to out.tsv.

csv2tsv reference

Synopsis: csv2tsv [options] [file…]

csv2tsv converts CSV (comma-separated) text to TSV (tab-separated) format. Records are read from files or standard input, converted records are written to standard output.

Both formats represent tabular data, each record on its own line, fields separated by a delimiter character. The key difference is that CSV uses escape sequences to represent newlines and field separators in the data, whereas TSV disallows these characters in the data. The most common field delimiters are comma for CSV and tab for TSV, but any character can be used. See Comparing TSV and CSV formats for addition discussion of the formats.

Conversion to TSV is done by removing CSV escape syntax, changing field delimiters, and replacing newlines and tabs in the data. By default, newlines and tabs in the data are replaced by spaces. Most details are customizable.

There is no single spec for CSV, any number of variants can be found. The escape syntax is common enough: fields containing newlines or field delimiters are placed in double quotes. Inside a quoted field, a double quote is represented by a pair of double quotes. As with field separators, the quoting character is customizable.

Behaviors of this program that often vary between CSV implementations:

This program does not validate CSV correctness, but will terminate with an error upon reaching an inconsistent state. Improperly terminated quoted fields are the primary cause.

UTF-8 input is assumed. Convert other encodings prior to invoking this tool.


keep-header reference

Synopsis: keep-header [file…] -- program [args]

Execute a command against one or more files in a header-aware fashion. The first line of each file is assumed to be a header. The first header is output unchanged. Remaining lines are sent to the given command via standard input, excluding the header lines of subsequent files. Output from the command is appended to the initial header line. A double dash (--) delimits the command, similar to how the pipe operator (|) delimits commands.

The following commands sort files in the usual way, except for retaining a single header line:

$ keep-header file1.txt -- sort
$ keep-header file1.txt file2.txt -- sort -k1,1nr

Data can also be read from from standard input. For example:

$ cat file1.txt | keep-header -- sort
$ keep-header file1.txt -- sort -r | keep-header -- grep red

The last example can be simplified using a shell command:

$ keep-header file1.txt -- /bin/sh -c '(sort -r | grep red)'

keep-header is especially useful for commands like sort and shuf that reorder input lines. It is also useful with filtering commands like grep, many awk uses, and even tail, where the header should be retained without filtering or evaluation.

keep-header works on any file where the first line is delimited by a newline character. This includes all TSV files and the majority of CSV files. It won't work on CSV files having embedded newlines in the header.


number-lines reference

Synopsis: number-lines [options] [file…]

number-lines reads from files or standard input and writes each line to standard output preceded by a line number. It is a simplified version of the Unix nl program. It supports one feature nl does not: the ability to treat the first line of files as a header. This is useful when working with tab-separated-value files. If header processing used, a header line is written for the first file, and the header lines are dropped from any subsequent files.



$ # Number lines in a file
$ number-lines file.tsv

$ # Number lines from multiple files. Treat the first line of each file
$ # as a header.
$ number-lines --header data*.tsv

See Also:

tsv-append reference

Synopsis: tsv-append [options] [file…]

tsv-append concatenates multiple TSV files, similar to the Unix cat utility. Unlike cat, it is header-aware (--H|header), writing the header from only the first file. It also supports source tracking, adding a column indicating the original file to each row. Results are written to standard output.

Concatenation with header support is useful when preparing data for traditional Unix utilities like sort and sed or applications that read a single file.

Source tracking is useful when creating long/narrow form tabular data, a format used by many statistics and data mining packages. In this scenario, files have been used to capture related data sets, the difference between data sets being a condition represented by the file. For example, results from different variants of an experiment might each be recorded in their own files. Retaining the source file as an output column preserves the condition represented by the file.

The file-name (without extension) is used as the source value. This can customized using the --f|file option.

Example: Header processing:

$ tsv-append -H file1.tsv file2.tsv file3.tsv

Example: Header processing and source tracking:

$ tsv-append -H -t file1.tsv file2.tsv file3.tsv

Example: Source tracking with custom source values:

$ tsv-append -H -s test_id -f test1=file1.tsv -f test2=file2.tsv


tsv-filter reference

Note: See the tsv-filter description in the project README for a tutorial style introduction.

Synopsis: tsv-filter [options] [file…]

Filter lines of tab-delimited files via comparison tests against fields. Multiple tests can be specified, by default they are evaluated as AND clause. Lines satisfying the tests are written to standard output.

General options:


Empty and blank field tests:

Numeric type tests:

Numeric comparisons:

String comparisons:

Regular expression tests:

Field length tests

Field to field comparisons:


Basic comparisons:

$ # Field 2 non-zero
$ tsv-filter --ne 2:0 data.tsv

$ # Field 1 == 0 and Field 2 >= 100, first line is a header.
$ tsv-filter --header --eq 1:0 --ge 2:100 data.tsv

$ # Field 1 == -1 or Field 1 > 100
$ tsv-filter --or --eq 1:-1 --gt 1:100

$ # Field 3 is foo, Field 4 contains bar
$ tsv-filter --header --str-eq 3:foo --str-in-fld 4:bar data.tsv

$ # Field 3 == field 4 (numeric test)
$ tsv-filter --header --ff-eq 3:4 data.tsv

Field lists:

Field lists can be used to run the same test on multiple fields. For example:

$ # Test that fields 1-10 are not blank
$ tsv-filter --not-blank 1-10 data.tsv

$ # Test that fields 1-5 are not zero
$ tsv-filter --ne 1-5:0

$ # Test that fields 1-5, 7, and 10-20 are less than 100
$ tsv-filter --lt 1-5,7,10-20:100

Regular expressions:

The regular expression syntax supported is that defined by the D regex library. The basic syntax has become quite standard and is used by many tools. It will rarely be necessary to consult the D language documentation. A general reference such as the guide available at Regular-Expressions.info will suffice in nearly all cases. (Note: Unicode properties are supported.)

$ # Field 2 has a sequence with two a's, one or more digits, then 2 a's.
$ tsv-filter --regex '2:aa[0-9]+aa' data.tsv

$ # Same thing, except the field starts and ends with the two a's.
$ tsv-filter --regex '2:^aa[0-9]+aa$' data.tsv

$ # Field 2 is a sequence of "word" characters with two or more embedded
$ # whitespace sequences (match against entire field)
$ tsv-filter --regex '2:^\w+\s+(\w+\s+)+\w+$' data.tsv

$ # Field 2 containing at least one cyrillic character.
$ tsv-filter --regex '2:\p{Cyrillic}' data.tsv

Short-circuiting expressions:

Numeric tests like --gt (greater-than) assume field values can be interpreted as numbers. An error occurs if the field cannot be parsed as a number, halting the program. This can be avoiding by including a testing ensure the field is recognizable as a number. For example:

$ # Ensure field 2 is a number before testing for greater-than 10.
$ tsv-filter --is-numeric 2 --gt 2:10 data.tsv

$ # Ensure field 2 is a number, not NaN or infinity before greater-than test.
$ tsv-filter --is-finite 2 --gt 2:10 data.tsv

The above tests work because tsv-filter short-circuits evaluation, only running as many tests as necessary to filter each line. Tests are run in the order listed on the command line. In the first example, if --is-numeric 2 is false, the remaining tests do not get run.

Tip: Bash completion is very helpful when using commands like tsv-filter that have many options. See Enable bash-completion for details.

tsv-join reference

Synopsis: tsv-join –filter-file file [options] file [file…]

tsv-join matches input lines against lines from a 'filter' file. The match is based on exact match comparison of one or more 'key' fields. Fields are TAB delimited by default. Matching lines are written to standard output, along with any additional fields from the key file that have been specified.



Filter one file based on another, using the full line as the key.

$ # Output lines in data.txt that appear in filter.txt
$ tsv-join -f filter.txt data.txt

$ # Output lines in data.txt that do not appear in filter.txt
$ tsv-join -f filter.txt --exclude data.txt

Filter multiple files, using fields 2 & 3 as the filter key.

$ tsv-join -f filter.tsv --key-fields 2,3 data1.tsv data2.tsv data3.tsv

Same as previous, except use field 4 & 5 from the data files.

$ tsv-join -f filter.tsv --key-fields 2,3 --data-fields 4,5 data1.tsv data2.tsv data3.tsv

Append fields from the filter file to matched records.

$ tsv-join -f filter.tsv --key-fields 1 --append-fields 2-5 data.tsv

Write out all records from the data file, but when there is no match, write the 'append fields' as NULL. This is an outer join.

$ tsv-join -f filter.tsv --key-fields 1 --append-fields 2 --write-all NULL data.tsv

Managing headers: Often it's useful to join a field from one data file to anther, where the data fields are related and the headers have the same name in both files. They can be kept distinct by adding a prefix to the filter file header. Example:

$ tsv-join -f run1.tsv --header --key-fields 1 --append-fields 2 --prefix run1_ run2.tsv

tsv-pretty reference

Synopsis: tsv-pretty [options] [file…]

tsv-pretty outputs TSV data in a format intended to be more human readable when working on the command line. This is done primarily by lining up data into fixed-width columns. Text is left aligned, numbers are right aligned. Floating points numbers are aligned on the decimal point when feasible.

Processing begins by reading the initial set of lines into memory to determine the field widths and data types of each column. This look-ahead buffer is used for header detection as well. Output begins after this processing is complete.

By default, only the alignment is changed, the actual values are not modified. Several of the formatting options do modify the values.




A tab-delimited file printed without any formatting:

$ cat sample.tsv
Color   Count   Ht      Wt
Brown   106     202.2   1.5
Canary Yellow   7       106     0.761
Chartreuse	1139	77.02   6.22
Fluorescent Orange	422     1141.7  7.921
Grey	19	140.3	1.03

The same file printed with tsv-pretty:

$ tsv-pretty sample.tsv
Color               Count       Ht     Wt
Brown                 106   202.2   1.5
Canary Yellow           7   106     0.761
Chartreuse           1139    77.02  6.22
Fluorescent Orange    422  1141.7   7.921
Grey                   19   140.3   1.03

Printed with float formatting and header underlining:

$ tsv-pretty -f -u sample.tsv
Color               Count       Ht     Wt
-----               -----       --     --
Brown                 106   202.20  1.500
Canary Yellow           7   106.00  0.761
Chartreuse           1139    77.02  6.220
Fluorescent Orange    422  1141.70  7.921
Grey                   19   140.30  1.030

Printed with setting the precision to one:

$ tsv-pretty -u -p 1 sample.tsv
Color               Count      Ht   Wt
-----               -----      --   --
Brown                 106   202.2  1.5
Canary Yellow           7   106.0  0.8
Chartreuse           1139    77.0  6.2
Fluorescent Orange    422  1141.7  7.9
Grey                   19   140.3  1.0

tsv-sample reference

Synopsis: tsv-sample [options] [file…]

tsv-sample subsamples input lines or randomizes their order. Several techniques are available: shuffling, simple random sampling, weighted random sampling, Bernoulli sampling, and distinct sampling. These are provided via several different modes operation:

Sample size: The --n|num option controls the sample size for all sampling methods. In the case of simple and weighted random sampling it also limits the amount of memory required.

Performance and memory use: tsv-sample is designed for large data sets. Algorithms make one pass over the data, using reservoir sampling and hashing when possible to limit the memory required. Bernoulli sampling and distinct sampling make immediate decisions on each line, with no memory accumulation. They can operate on arbitrary length data streams. Sampling with replacement reads all lines into memory and is limited by available memory. Shuffling also reads all lines into memory and is similarly limited. Simple and weighted random sampling use reservoir sampling algorithms and only need to hold the sample size (--n|num) in memory. See Shuffling large files for ways to use disk when available memory is not sufficient.

Controlling randomization: Each run produces a different randomization. Using --s|static-seed changes this so multiple runs produce the same randomization. This works by using the same random seed each run. The random seed can be specified using --v|seed-value. This takes a non-zero, 32-bit positive integer. A zero value is a no-op and ignored.

Weighted sampling: Weighted line order randomization is done using an algorithm for weighted reservoir sampling described by Pavlos Efraimidis and Paul Spirakis. Weights should be positive values representing the relative weight of the entry in the collection. Counts and similar can be used as weights, it is not necessary to normalize to a [0,1] interval. Negative values are not meaningful and given the value zero. Input order is not retained, instead lines are output ordered by the randomized weight that was assigned. This means that a smaller valid sample can be produced by taking the first N lines of output. For more information see:

Distinct sampling: Distinct sampling selects a subset based on a key in data. Consider a query log with records consisting of <user, query, clicked-url> triples. Distinct sampling selects all records matching a subset of values from one of the fields. For example, all events for ten percent of the users. This is important for certain types of analysis. Distinct sampling works by converting the specified probability (--p|prob) into a set of buckets and mapping every key into one of the buckets. One bucket is used to select records in the sample. Buckets are equal size and therefore may be a bit larger than the inclusion probability. Since every key is assigned a bucket, this method can also be used to fully divide a set of records into distinct groups. (See Printing random values below.) The term "distinct sampling" originates from algorithms estimating the number of distinct elements in extremely large data sets.

Printing random values: Most of these algorithms work by generating a random value for each line. (See also "Compatibility mode" below.) The nature of these values depends on the sampling algorithm. They are used for both line selection and output ordering. The --print-random option can be used to print these values. The random value is prepended to the line separated by the --d|delimiter char (TAB by default). The --gen-random-inorder option takes this one step further, generating random values for all input lines without changing the input order. The types of values currently used are specific to the sampling algorithm:

The specifics behind these random values are subject to change in future releases.

Compatibility mode: As described above, many of the sampling algorithms assign a random value to each line. This is useful when printing random values. It has another occasionally useful property: repeated runs with the same static seed but different selection parameters are more compatible with each other, as each line gets assigned the same random value on every run. This property comes at a cost: in some cases there are faster algorithms that don't assign random values to each line. By default, tsv-sample will use the fastest algorithm available. The --compatibility-mode option changes this, switching to algorithms that assign a random value per line. Printing random values also engages compatibility mode. Compatibility mode is beneficial primarily when using Bernoulli sampling or random sampling:


tsv-select reference

Synopsis: tsv-select [options] [file…]

tsv-select reads files or standard input and writes specified fields to standard output in the order listed. Similar to Unix cut with the ability to reorder fields.

Fields numbers start with one. They are comma separated, and ranges can be used. Fields can be listed more than once, and fields not listed can be selected as a group using the --rest option. When working with multiple files, the --header option can be used to retain the header from the just the first file.

Fields can be excluded using --e|exclude. All fields not excluded are output. --f|fields and --r|rest can be used with --e|exclude to change the order of non-excluded fields.




$ # Keep the first field from two files
$ tsv-select -f 1 file1.tsv file2.tsv

$ # Keep fields 1 and 2, retain the header from the first file
$ tsv-select -H -f 1,2 file1.tsv file2.tsv
$ # Output fields 2 and 1, in that order
$ tsv-select -f 2,1 file.tsv

$ # Output a range of fields
$ tsv-select -f 3-30 file.tsv

$ # Output a range of fields in reverse order
$ tsv-select -f 30-3 file.tsv

$ # Drop the first field, keep everything else
$ # Equivalent to 'cut -f 2- file.tsv'
$ tsv-select --exclude 1 file.tsv
$ tsv-select -e 1 file.tsv

$ # Move field 1 to the end of the line
$ tsv-select -f 1 --rest first file.tsv

$ # Move fields 7 and 3 to the start of the line
$ tsv-select -f 7,3 --rest last file.tsv

# Output with repeating fields
$ tsv-select -f 1,2,1 file.tsv
$ tsv-select -f 1-3,3-1 file.tsv

$ # Read from standard input
$ cat file*.tsv | tsv-select -f 1,4-7,11

$ # Read from a file and standard input. The '--' terminates command
$ # option processing, '-' represents standard input.
$ cat file1.tsv | tsv-select -f 1-3 -- - file2.tsv

$ # Files using comma as the separator ('simple csv')
$ # (Note: Does not handle CSV escapes.)
$ tsv-select -d , --fields 5,1,2 file.csv

$ # Move field 2 to the front and drop fields 10-15
$ tsv-select -f 2 -e 10-15 file.tsv

$ # Move field 2 to the end, dropping fields 10-15
$ tsv-select -f 2 -rest first -e 10-15 file.tsv

tsv-split reference

Synopsis: tsv-split [options] [file…]

Split input lines into multiple output files. There are three modes of operation:

Output files: By default, files are written to the current directory and have names of the form part_NNN<suffix>, with NNN being a number and <suffix> being the extension of the first input file. If the input file is file.txt, the names will take the form part_NNN.txt. The suffix is empty when reading from standard input. The numeric part defaults to 3 digits for --l|lines-per-files. For --n|num-files enough digits are used so all filenames are the same length. The output directory and file names are customizable.

Header lines: There are two ways to handle input with headers: write a header to all output files (--H|header), or exclude headers from all output files (--I|header-in-only). The best choice depends on the follow-up processing. All tsv-utils tools support header lines in multiple input files, but many other tools do not. For example, GNU parallel works best on files without header lines. (See Faster processing using GNU parallel for some info on using GNU parallel and tsv-utils together.)

About Random assignment (--n|num-files): Random distribution of records to a set of files is a common task. When data fits in memory the preferred approach is usually to shuffle the data and split it into fixed sized blocks. Both of the following command lines accomplish this:

$ shuf data.tsv | split -l NUM
$ tsv-sample data.tsv | tsv-split -l NUM

However, alternate approaches are needed when data is too large for convenient shuffling. tsv-split's random assignment feature can be useful in these cases. Each input line is written to a randomly selected output file. Note that output files will have similar but not identical numbers of records.

About Random assignment by key (--n|num-files NUM, --k|key-fields FIELDS): This splits a data set into multiple files sharded by key. All lines with the same key are written to the same file. This partitioning enables parallel computation based on the key. For example, statistical calculation (tsv-summarize --group-by) or duplicate removal (tsv-uniq --fields). These operations can be parallelized using tools like GNU parallel, which simplifies concurrent operations on multiple files.

Random seed: By default, each tsv-split invocation using random assignment or random assignment by key produces different assignments to the output files. Using --s|static-seed changes this so multiple runs produce the same assignments. This works by using the same random seed each run. The seed can be specified using --v|seed-value.

Appending to existing files: By default, an error is triggered if an output file already exists. --a|append changes this so that lines are appended to existing files. (Header lines are not appended to files with data.) This is useful when adding new data to files created by a previous tsv-split run. Random assignment should use the same --n|num-files value each run, but different random seeds (avoid --s|static-seed). Random assignment by key should use the same --n|num-files, --k|key-fields, and seed (--s|static-seed or --v|seed-value) each run.

Max number of open files: Random assignment and random assignment by key are dramatically faster when all output files are kept open. However, keeping a large numbers of open files can bump into system limits or limit resources available to other processes. By default, tsv-split uses up to 4096 open files or the system per-process limit, whichever is smaller. This can be changed using --max-open-files, though it cannot be set larger than the system limit. The system limit varies considerably between systems. On many systems it is unlimited. On MacOS it is often set to 256. Use Unix ulimit to display and modify the limits:

$ ulimit -n       # Show the "soft limit". The per-process maximum.
$ ulimit -Hn      # Show the "hard limit". The max allowed soft limit.
$ ulimit -Sn NUM  # Change the "soft limit" to NUM.


$ # Split a 10 million line file into 1000 files, 10,000 lines each.
$ # Output files are part_000.txt, part_001.txt, ... part_999.txt.
$ tsv-split data.txt --lines-per-file 10000

$ # Same as the previous example, but write files to a subdirectory.
$  tsv-split data.txt --dir split_files --lines-per-file 10000

$ # Split a file into 10,000 line files, writing a header line to each
$ tsv-split data.txt -H --lines-per-file 10000

$ # Same as the previous example, but dropping the header line.
$ tsv-split data.txt -I --lines-per-file 10000

$ # Randomly assign lines to 1000 files
$ tsv-split data.txt --num-files 1000

$ # Randomly assign lines to 1000 files while keeping unique keys from
$  # field 3 together.
$  tsv-split data.tsv --num-files 1000 -k 3

$ # Randomly assign lines to 1000 files. Later, randomly assign lines
$ # from a second data file to the same output files.
$ tsv-split data1.tsv -n 1000
$ tsv-split data2.tsv -n 1000 --append

$ # Randomly assign lines to 1000 files using field 3 as a key.
$ # Later, add a second file to the same output files.
$ tsv-split data1.tsv -n 1000 -k 3 --static-seed
$ tsv-split data2.tsv -n 1000 -k 3 --static-seed --append

$ # Change the system per-process open file limit for one command.
$ # The parens create a sub-shell. The current shell is not changed.
$ ( ulimit -Sn 1000 && tsv-split --num-files 1000 data.txt )


tsv-summarize reference

Synopsis: tsv-summarize [options] file [file…]

tsv-summarize generates summary statistics on fields of a TSV file. A variety of statistics are supported. Calculations can run against the entire data stream or grouped by key. Consider the file data.tsv:

make    color   time
ford    blue    131
chevy   green   124
ford    red     128
bmw     black   118
bmw     black   126
ford    blue    122

The min and average 'time' values for the 'make' field is generated by the command:

$ tsv-summarize --header --group-by 1 --min 3 --mean 3 data.tsv

This produces:

make   time_min time_mean
ford   122      127
chevy  124      124
bmw    118      122

Using --group-by 1,2 will group by both 'make' and 'color'. Omitting the --group-by entirely summarizes fields for full file.

The program tries to generate useful headers, but custom headers can be specified. Example:

$ tsv-summarize --header --group-by 1 --min 3:fastest --mean 3:average data.tsv
make	fastest	average
ford	122	127
chevy	124	124
bmw	118	122

Most operators take custom headers in a manner shown above, following the syntax:

--<operator-name> FIELD[:header]

Operators can be specified multiple times. They can also take multiple fields (though not when a custom header is specified). Examples:

--median 2,3,4
--median 1,5-8

The quantile operator requires one or more probabilities after the fields:

--quantile 2:0.25              # Quantile 1 of field 2
--quantile 2-4:0.25,0.5,0.75   # Q1, Median, Q3 of fields 2, 3, 4

Summarization operators available are:

   count       range        mad            values
   retain      sum          var            unique-values
   first       mean         stddev         unique-count
   last        median       mode           missing-count
   min         quantile     mode-count     not-missing-count

Calculated numeric values are printed to 12 significant digits by default. This can be changed using the --p|float-precision option. If six or less it sets the number of significant digits after the decimal point. If greater than six it sets the total number of significant digits.

Calculations hold onto the minimum data needed while reading data. A few operations like median keep all data values in memory. These operations will start to encounter performance issues as available memory becomes scarce. The size that can be handled effectively is machine dependent, but often quite large files can be handled.

Operations requiring numeric entries will signal an error and terminate processing if a non-numeric entry is found.

Missing values are not treated specially by default, this can be changed using the --x|exclude-missing or --r|replace-missing option. The former turns off processing for missing values, the latter uses a replacement value.



Tip: Bash completion is very helpful when using commands like tsv-summarize that have many options. See Enable bash-completion for details.

tsv-uniq reference

tsv-uniq identifies equivalent lines in files or standard input. Input is read line by line, recording a key based on one or more of the fields. Two lines are equivalent if they have the same key. When operating in the default 'uniq' mode, the first time a key is seen the line is written to standard output. Subsequent lines having the same key are discarded. This is similar to the Unix uniq program, but based on individual fields and without requiring sorted data.

tsv-uniq can be run without specifying a key field. In this case the whole line is used as a key, same as the Unix uniq program. As with uniq, this works on any line-oriented text file, not just TSV files. There is no need to sort the data and the original input order is preserved.

The alternates to the default 'uniq' mode are 'number' mode and 'equiv-class' mode. In 'equiv-class' mode (--e|equiv), all lines are written to standard output, but with a field appended marking equivalent entries with an ID. The ID is a one-upped counter.

'Number' mode (--z|number) also writes all lines to standard output, but with a field appended numbering the occurrence count for the line's key. The first line with a specific key is assigned the number '1', the second with the key is assigned number '2', etc. 'Number' and 'equiv-class' modes can be used together.

The --r|repeated option can be used to print only lines occurring more than once. Specifically, the second occurrence of a key is printed. The --a|at-least N option is similar, printing lines occurring at least N times. (Like repeated, the Nth line with the key is printed.)

The --m|max MAX option changes the behavior to output the first MAX lines for each key, rather than just the first line for each key.

If both --a|at-least and --m|max are specified, the occurrences starting with 'at-least' and ending with 'max' are output.

Synopsis: tsv-uniq [options] [file…]



$ # Uniq a file, using the full line as the key
$ tsv-uniq data.txt

$ # Same as above, but case-insensitive
$ tsv-uniq --ignore-case data.txt

$ # Unique a file based on one field
$ tsv-unique -f 1 data.tsv

$ # Unique a file based on two fields
$ tsv-uniq -f 1,2 data.tsv

$ # Unique a file based on the first four fields
$ tsv-uniq -f 1-4 data.tsv

$ # Output all the lines, generating an ID for each unique entry
$ tsv-uniq -f 1,2 --equiv data.tsv

$ # Generate uniq IDs, but account for headers
$ tsv-uniq -f 1,2 --equiv --header data.tsv

$ # Generate line numbers specific to each key
$ tsv-uniq -f 1,2 --number --header data.tsv

$ # --Examples showing the data--

$ cat data.tsv
field1  field2  field2
ABCD    1234    PQR
efgh    5678    stu
ABCD    1234    PQR
wxyz    1234    stu
efgh    5678    stu
ABCD    1234    PQR

$ # Uniq using the full line as key
$ tsv-uniq -H data.tsv
field1  field2  field2
ABCD    1234    PQR
efgh    5678    stu
wxyz    1234    stu

$ # Uniq using field 2 as key
$ tsv-uniq -H -f 2 data.tsv
field1  field2  field2
ABCD    1234    PQR
efgh    5678    stu

$ # Generate equivalence class IDs
$ tsv-uniq -H --equiv data.tsv
field1  field2  field2  equiv_id
ABCD    1234    PQR     1
efgh    5678    stu     2
ABCD    1234    PQR     1
wxyz    1234    stu     3
efgh    5678    stu     2
ABCD    1234    PQR     1

$ # Generate equivalence class IDs and line numbers
$ tsv-uniq -H --equiv --number data.tsv
field1	field2	field2	equiv_id  equiv_line
ABCD    1234    PQR     1         1
efgh    5678    stu     2         1
ABCD    1234    PQR     1         2
wxyz    1234    stu     3         1
efgh    5678    stu     2         2
ABCD    1234    PQR     1         3