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serverPort - Static variable in class com.ebay.lightning.testing.SimpleHttpServer
servletContainerCustomizer() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.MVCConfig
Configure the embedded tomcat server to compress the response when the response size is greater than 256.
servletContainerCustomizer() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.testing.SimpleHttpServer
setAllocatedMemory(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setAuditCleanupFrequencyInSec(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the reminder cleanup frequency for audit report cleanup.
setAvailableTaskCapacity(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setBatchId(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the batch Id.
setBatchReport(Map<Integer, BatchReport>) - Method in class
Set all the batch reports.
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the size of the batch.
setBody(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningResponse.SuccessResponse
Set the response body content.
setBody(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.URLTask
Set the response body for the URL request.
setBusyWithLoad(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ReservationReceipt
Set the load of the seed while making reservation for the request.
setCleanupTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the total time taken to cleanup all tasks after execution in the batch.
setConnectAccuracyPercent(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the minimum threshold for the successful connect to total request percentage.
setConnectAccuracyPercent(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorker
Set the minimum threshold for successful connect to total request percent.
setConnectFailureCount(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the total count of tasks in the batch that failed to connect.
setConnectTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the total time taken to connect for all tasks in the batch.
setConnectTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the connection timeout configuration.
setCpuUsageMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setCurrentInetCacheSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the inet cache size after complete execution of the batch.
setDefaultHTTPMethod(LightningCoreConstants.HttpMethod) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the default HTTP for processing URL tasks.
setDefaultRequestConfigMap(Map<LightningCoreConstants.HttpMethod, RequestConfig>) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the default {code @RequestConfig} map.
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ChainedURLTask
Set the error message if any for the current execution task.
setErrorMsg(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.Task
Set the error encountered during task execution.
setExecutionTime(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the total execution time of all tasks in the batch.
setExecutorThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the pool size of the executor service.
setFailedResponses(Map<Integer, LightningResponse.FailedResponse>) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningResponse
Set the list of failed response.
setFreeMemory(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setFreePhyMemSize(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setFreeSwapSpaceSize(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setHostIPAddress(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ChainedURLTask
Set the host IP of the current execution task.
setHostIPAddress(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.URLTask
Set the IP address of the host.
setHostName(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setId(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ReservationReceipt
Set the request id for which reservation is made.
setInetCache(SmartCache<String, InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.InetSocketAddressCache
Set the InetSocketAddress cache.
setInetSocketAddressCreateTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the total time taken to build inet cache for the batch.
setLastReservationCleanup(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setLastTaskStatusUpdateTime(Long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ChainedURLTask
Set the last update time when there is a change in task status for the current execution task.
setLastTaskStatusUpdateTime(Long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.Task
Set the last update time when there is a change in task status.
setLightningReportRetentionTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig.RetentionPolicy
Set the retention time for audit reports.
setLoad(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ReservationReceipt
Set the load of the request.
setLoadFromFile(boolean) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set to load system configuration from file.
setMaxFileDescCount(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setMaxInetCacheSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the maximum InetAddress cache size.
setMaxLightningReportRetentionCount(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig.RetentionPolicy
Set the maximum count of audit reports.
setMaxMemory(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setMaxTaskCapacity(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the maximum capacity of the seed.
setMethod(LightningCoreConstants.HttpMethod) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the HTTP method for the URL task.
setOldReservationCleanupReminderTimeInMillis(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the reminder frequency for cleaning up ReservationReceipt.
setOpenFileDesCount(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setProcessCPULoad(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setProcessCPUTime(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setProcessEndTime(long) - Method in class
Set the processing end time for the request.
setProcessStartTime(Long) - Method in class
Set the processing start time for the request.
setProxyServerHost(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the proxy server host.
setProxyServerPort(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the proxy server port.
setQueueLoadSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setReadAccuracyPercent(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the minimum threshold for the successful read to connect percentage.
setReadAccuracyPercent(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorker
Set the minimum threshold for successful read to connect percentage
setReadWriteFailureCount(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the total count of tasks in the batch that failed to read/write.
setReadWriteTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the total time taken to read/write for all tasks in the batch.
setReadWriteTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the read/write timeout configuration.
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setRequest(LightningRequest) - Method in class
Set the submitted request.
setRequestconfig(RequestConfig) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningRequest
Set the task execution configuration parameters.
setRequestConfig(RequestConfig) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorker
Set the configuration for the current tasks.
setRequestType(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningRequest
Set the request type.
setReservationLoadSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setReservationLogSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setReservationReciept(ReservationReceipt) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningRequest
Set the reservation receipt.
setReservationResponseExpireTimeInSec(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the validity time of the ReservationReceipt.
setRetentionPolicy(SystemConfig.RetentionPolicy) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the retention policy for audit reports.
setRetryConnectAccuracyPercent(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the minimum threshold for the successful connect to total request percentage while retrying failed tasks.
setRetryFailedTasks(boolean) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Enable/disable the retry of failed tasks.
setRetryReadAccuracyPercent(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the minimum threshold for the successful read to connect percentage while retrying failed tasks.
setRetrySlowUrlsConnectTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the connect timeout configuration for failed URLs.
setRetrySlowUrlsReadWriteTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the read/write timeout configuration for failed URLs.
setServingHostIp(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningRequest
Set the host executing the task.
setSessionId(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningRequest
Set the sessionId of the request.
setSessionId(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningResponse
Set the sessionId of the request.
setSlowUrlsConnectTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the connection timeout configuration for slow URLs.
setSlowUrlsConnectTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorker
Set the connection timeout for failed URL tasks.
setSlowUrlsReadWriteTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.RequestConfig
Set the read/write timeout configuration for slow URLs.
setSlowUrlsReadWriteTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorker
Set the read/write timeout for failed URL tasks.
setState(ReservationReceipt.State) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ReservationReceipt
Set the state for the request.
setStatus(LightningCoreConstants.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ChainedURLTask
Set the state of the current execution task.
setStatus(LightningCoreConstants.WorkStatus) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningResponse
Set the LightningCoreConstants.WorkStatus of the request.
setStatus(LightningCoreConstants.TaskStatus) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.Task
Set the current execution state of the task.
setStatus(LightningCoreConstants.WorkStatus) - Method in class
Set the current work status.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ChainedURLTask
Set the HTTP status code of the current execution task.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.URLTask
Set the HTTP status code from the URL response.
setSuccessCount(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.BatchReport
Set the total count of successful tasks in the batch.
setSuccessCount(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningResponse
Set the successful count of tasks executed.
setSuccessResponses(Map<Integer, LightningResponse.SuccessResponse>) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningResponse
Set the list of successful response.
setSysCPULoad(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setSystemHealth(boolean) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setSystemStartTime(Long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setSystemStatusErrorMsg(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setTaskCapacityStress(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the maximum capacity stress percentage.
setTaskExecutionService(TaskExecutionService) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.controllers.LightningController
setTaskRetentionTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig.RetentionPolicy
Set the retention time for request tasks.
setTasks(List<Task>) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningRequest
Set the list of task to be executed.
setTimeToSleepBetweenEachQueueProcessInMillis(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the time to wait for polling request from queue for processing.
setTotalCount(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningResponse
Set the total count of tasks executed.
setTotalExecutionTimeInMillis(Long) - Method in class
Set the total execution time for the request.
setTotPhyMemSize(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setTotSwapSpaceSize(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setup() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.controller.LightningControllerTest
setup() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ReservationReceiptTest
setup() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatusTest
setup() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.manager.TaskExecutionManagerTest
setup() - Method in class
setup() - Method in class
setup() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.InetSocketAddressCacheTest
setupClass() - Static method in class com.ebay.lightning.controller.LightningControllerTest
setUpdateSystemConfigStatusMsg(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
setUpTime(Long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.Task
Set the URL to be executed.
setUsedMemory(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setUseProxyServer(boolean) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.ChainedURLTask
Enable proxy for the current execution task.
setUseProxyServer(boolean) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.URLTask
Enable proxy for the request.
setVirtualMemSize(long) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setWorkDequeueTime(Long) - Method in class
Set the dequeue time for the request.
setWorkEnqueueTime(Long) - Method in class
Set the enqueue time for the request.
setWorkerBatchSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
Set the batch size for request processing.
setWorkerState(ReservationReceipt.State) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
setWorkQueue(BlockingQueue<LightningRequest>) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.manager.TaskExecutionManager
Set the request to be processed queue.
setWorkQueueSize(int) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
shutdown() - Static method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.SmartCacheTest
shutdown() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.SmartCacheTest.ThreadingHelper
shutDown() - Static method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.UrlUtilsHttpTest
shutDown() - Static method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorkerServerTest
shutdownNow() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.ExecutorUtil
Shutdown the executor service.
shutdownNow() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.SmartCacheTest.ThreadingHelper
SimpleHttpServer - Class in com.ebay.lightning.testing
SimpleHttpServer() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.testing.SimpleHttpServer
SimpleTestController - Class in com.ebay.lightning.testing
SimpleTestController() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.testing.SimpleTestController
size() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.SmartCache
Get the cache size.
SmartCache<K,V> - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.utils
The SmartCache is a wrapper over Google Cache So what's the difference between this and Google Cache?? 1.
SmartCache(long, long, TimeUnit, SmartCache.ValueLoader<K, V>) - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.SmartCache
Initialize the SmartCache with the input configuration.
SmartCache.ValueLoader<K,V> - Interface in com.ebay.lightning.core.utils
Value Loader used to load missing values
SmartCacheTest - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.utils
SmartCacheTest() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.SmartCacheTest
SmartCacheTest.ThreadingHelper - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.utils
SocketBasedHTTPWorker - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.workers
SocketBasedHTTPWorker is a java nio based implementation of Worker for URL execution.
SocketBasedHTTPWorker(InetSocketAddressCache, ExecutionDataStore, SystemConfig) - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorker
Initialized the SocketBasedHTTPWorker with the required parameters.
SocketBasedHTTPWorker(InetSocketAddressCache, ExecutionDataStore, SystemConfig, RequestConfig) - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorker
Initialized the SocketBasedHTTPWorker with the required parameters.
SocketBasedHTTPWorkerServerTest - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.workers
SocketBasedHTTPWorkerServerTest() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorkerServerTest
SocketBasedHTTPWorkerTest - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.workers
SocketBasedHTTPWorkerTest() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorkerTest
SpringConfig() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.controller.LightningControllerTest.SpringConfig
start() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.manager.TaskExecutionManager
Initialized the TaskExecutionManager with reservation cleanup Reminder and request processing thread.
startWorker() - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.workers.SocketBasedHTTPWorker
submit(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.controllers.LightningController
Submit a request.
submit(LightningRequest) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.manager.TaskExecutionManager
submit(LightningRequest) - Method in interface
Submit a request to get executed asynchronously at high speed.
submit(LightningRequest) - Method in class
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.core.utils.ExecutorUtil
Submit the task to be executed asynchronously.
submit(String) - Method in class com.ebay.lightning.testing.SimpleTestController
SuccessResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.LightningResponse.SuccessResponse
Initializes a successful response.
SystemConfig - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.config
The {code SystemConfig} holds all the configuration for the task executor, data store etc.
SystemConfig() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.config.SystemConfig
SystemConfig.RetentionPolicy - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.config
SystemConfigTest - Class in com.ebay.lightning.test.config
SystemConfigTest() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.test.config.SystemConfigTest
SystemStatus - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.beans
SystemStatus() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatus
SystemStatusTest - Class in com.ebay.lightning.core.beans
SystemStatusTest() - Constructor for class com.ebay.lightning.core.beans.SystemStatusTest
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